Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chicao recap.

I finally got my pictures together for a Chicago recap post, just a few days tardy! But it was a blast & I wanted to share our adventures in the city & the 1/2 marathon itself.

The first night we got it, we took the el (or L, or subway...?) train into downtown where we were staying: the Marriott on Magnificent Mile.
Those of us in Northern California aren't that savvy with efficient public transportation. And definitely weren't ready for the craziness of rush hour traffic & what seemed like a million staircases, up & down, with all of our luggage! I took this photo of my mom: the blonde woman straight ahead. Separated & exhausted!

For dinner that night, we went to Rockit, per lots of recommendations from my fabulous bloggy friends!
The food was delish!
We had a blast there & a special treat:
They were hosting a charity fashion show, with many of the previous Bachelor & Bachelorette girls!
And although I didn't recognize most of them, Trista was there... and since she & Ryan are pretty much the show's only success story, she was easy to recognize.

The next day, we enjoyed some much needed shopping along Magnificent Mile.
We walked up and down Michigan Avenue, walked to the beachfront & went to Mike Ditka's restaurant for lunch.

That afternoon, we took the Wendella Architectural boat tour. (Another fine recommendation! Thank you!)

Next up was Epic for dinner! One of the best meals I have ever had! Thanks for the reco!
Great company, great food & I even had a drink with my mom on the rooftop bar! Great night :)

The next day we headed into Bucktown to explore. We went to Northside Bar & Grill for lunch.

Later we went to the Marathon Expo & prepared for our race the next day.
The Expo was a blast & a serious reality check!

To save this from being the longest post EVER... Part 2 to come:
{The Race, the bean & more reco's from all of you lovelies}


  1. I love these pictures! I'll have to remember some of these things for whenever we go to Chicago. So fun that you saw Molly & Trista!

  2. Oh it looks like so much fun! You are so beautiful in those pictures! Glad you stopped by my site this morning! Yours is fantastic and cant' wait to read more. I am your newest follower

  3. Love hearing about your trip and can't wait to read more!

  4. first off you are definitely one beautiful girl! looks like a great trip to chicago and i love the outfit of the grey shorts, white top and pop of color with the orange bag!

  5. Oh my gosh!!! I didn't even recognize the fact that it was Molly!

  6. We did the same boat tour & it was fantastic! :) I love Chicago lots & want to go back soon!!

  7. Sounds like you had a blast and LOVE your purse!

  8. Great recap, looks like y'all had a good time. I love all Saints clothing co, they opened one in the spring in my neighborhood.

    Now following! xoxo

  9. looks like a great trip! I've only been to Chicago once and would love to go back soon! I'll have to try some of the restaurants you mentioned.

  10. Fun! I stopped watching after Trista and Ryan. Why watch something that's not going to work out?

  11. I've been waiting to read this! :) Can't wait to see part 2!

  12. What fun! Great pictures....Chicago is one of my favorite cities. Looks like a fab trip.

  13. Can't wait to hear about the race!! Looks like you had a great time! I've been really wanting to go to Chicago lately!


  14. Lucky girl! Chicago is one of my faves.

    Gordon Gossip

  15. How fun, you can see Molly from Jason's season...cool!! Sounds like you had a really great time in Chicago :)

  16. First of all, you and your mom are soooo pretty!!!!! Gorgeous pictures! And oh my gosh how amazing to see Trista! haha I would've been starstruck...I am a little too obsessed with the Bachelor :p

  17. I'm so glad you and your mom had fun in Chicago! Congrats on your 1/2- such an accomplishment!


Lovely notes to be