Monday, July 18, 2011

Oldies & Newbies

I had a bit of a reunion this weekend. My 10-year high school reunion to be exact.
It was very nice seeing everyone. Where did all the time go?
It was fabulous reconnecting with friends that were so dear to me once upon a time!
It makes you wonder why its was so hard to stay connected in the first place!?

It was a fabulous evening! So great to catch up with people you once knew SO well! And then seeing them all over again... and struggling to remember their names! So crazy!

Today is also another exciting day in my world! Not only is it my dad's birthday (Happy Birthday, dad!)... but we are expecting a new addition to the bird family! The bird's brother & sister-in-law are bringing a baby into the world and into the family today! We are anxiously awaiting their arrival.

Happy Monday bloggies! xo


  1. I'm glad you had fun! Looks like a good time! Its fun connecting with people. Its always nice to see how they are doing.

  2. so much fun!! and congrats on the new little baby :)

  3. Reunions are the best and a new addition to the family...such great news.

  4. I feel like my 10 year reunion was just the other day. {but it was actually 4 years ago!}

    Its SO crazy how time flies! PS. Congrats on the new addition! How special!

    xoxo, Chrissy
    The Perfect Palette

  5. It sounds like a fabulous weekend. I had my 10 year reunion last summer, it is hard to believe, it seems like yesterday I graduated :).

    Thanks for stopping by to link up to the mix and mingle party today!

  6. So fun to have a new baby in the family!

  7. So my ten year is coming up and I feel like not going bc I know what's going on with everyone from facebook! how was it?

  8. congrats on the news! its so fun having a new baby in the family!

  9. @hollie ann- It was great! I didn't expect much and I actually almost skipped it too. But I'm glad I went and it was better than I thought.

  10. Sounds like a fun event!!! How exciting about the new addition to the family...congratulations!


Lovely notes to be