Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy BIRDthday!

It was the Bird's bday on Sunday! What a fun day! I like celebrating his birthday almost as much as mine. {Key word being almost!} ;)

But actually, I do. I love the planning and thoughtfulness behind birthdays. And I loved seeing him so happy on Sunday. Birthdays are just fabulous!

First we went on a scenic sky tour along the coast.

It was beautiful! We flew to the ocean, looked over the cliffs and over the beautiful wine country. It made us realize how beautiful of a place we live and how lucky and spoiled we are to be surrounded by such amazing scenery.

We then grabbed a picnic lunch from a hometown sandwich shop and took it to a nearby winery.
We did a little wine tasting at Stryker & Francis Ford Coppola Wineries.

Later that evening, we went to dinner with the fam.
What a fabulous day! Hope you had a great weekend as well.


  1. Ohhhh Wonderful! I love to fly! I'm trying to learn but its VERY scary!

  2. My husband would LOVE to take little plane tour. Heck, he'd love to learn to fly the little plane! I don't know if I'd be brave enough for either... :)

  3. looks like a fab day! you guys are such a cute couple~

  4. Such a perfect day! Wine tasting on a sunny day is kind of amazing:-) xoxo

  5. What a fun birthday! Looks like the perfect celebration!

  6. Oh my gosh this looks like too much fun!!! You really buffed him out for his birthday! It looks like you had a good time too :). We really do live in such a beautiful state - I feel so lucky to be by the coast too!

  7. what a great birthday! california from above is so breathtaking - especially along the coast!

  8. Ohh so amazing, looks so beautiful, must have been so exciting...the view looks absolutely stunning.


  9. Thank you for such a great birthday, it was perfect! I love you!

  10. Happy belated birthday! I would have been so scared for the airplane ride (heights don't bother me but airplanes do) but it looks like you guys had a blast :)

  11. Looks like the best day, ever!!

  12. What a fantastic way to spend a birthday! We used to go to the Coppola winery all the time when we lived in SF. I love its courtyard!

  13. Cool birthday! I also LOVE celebrating my loves bday ALMOST as much as my own. ;)

  14. What a perfect day! Happy Birthday!

  15. Okay, drinking wine...maybe not the it's a boy that I thought? ;)


Lovely notes to be