Thursday, June 9, 2011

SoCal wrapped up

The trip to San Diego & Orange County was fabulous! I was so sad to see the trip end. But we came back with some incredible memories {like my mom kicking butt at the marathon}, fabulous pictures & wonderful time spent with old friends.
The first night was reserved for my bestie, Jeanine! Oh how I miss that girl! We went to Wine Steals in Hillcrest... so fun!

The next morning we hit up a San Diego crowd fav... if you're from the area, you know what I'm talking about!

On Saturday, the fam came into town!
My beautiful mother gearing up for the big race.

While the brothers & I enjoyed the beautiful San Diego weather... a huge change from the rainy weather we'd been having up north!
And bright & early, we hit the streets of SD and met her during the marathon. We caught up with her at mile 16 & 18:
And of course the finish line!
YAH mom!
She absolutely rocked it! We were so proud of her!

Lastly, we headed up to Orange County on Monday & Tuesday to meet up with our dear friends in Orange County.
They are fabulous... and let me just say how gorgeous & glowing my friend is! We can't wait to meet their little tike in September!


  1. MY sister just ran a marathon in Vermont. She did 26.2 MILES! CAH-RAAAZY!

  2. Impressive mom!! Wow!!! I would love to do the Rock N Roll marathon in San Diego next year!! Any favorite part of San Diego? Thanks so much for coming to my blog so I could find you and become and follower! Happy weekend!

    PS- Stop by if you want a great cocktail recipe for the weekend :)

  3. Wow that is awesome for your mom to do a marathon!!

  4. This looks like a great getaway, congrats to your mom for doing a marathon!!

  5. Fun trip! I'm from OC and haven't been down for SO long!!! Oh and your mom is a rock star!

  6. Thanks so much for your visit! I absolutely love San Diego and that wonderful climate too. It's been too long since I've been there though.

    Congrats to your mother on her run!

  7. Thank you for all the sweet comments! A couple people have asked where the marathon took place... It started downtown and ended at Sea World. It was a blast and very nice to see my mom complete something so incredible. Hope youre having a good weekend all! xo

  8. what a wonderful trip and man, your mum looks so fit!
    ive been inspired lately to run as well so have been running 2 times a week...its so hard - but mostly trying to overcome my mental struggle (esp its so cold here this winter too!)

  9. your mom is amazing for running marathons! what a great accomplishment!

  10. So much fun! Congrats to your Mom, that is awesome. I need a trip to San Diego. I need some suN!

  11. looks like you had a wonderful time!! the weather kept up, and your mom looks fantastic!

  12. Looks like you had a fabulous time!! LOVE SoCal

  13. Sounds like such a great trip!!! I hate to say but I'm a San Diego native and have NEVER been to Hash House! You've inspired me - I am determined to go this summer! And congrats to your mom too - that is amazing! I'm glad you had a great trip!
    Star Hughes Living

  14. what an awesome trip! I've never been to San Diego, but it looks beautiful :)

  15. Officially jealous of your Mom. Running a marathon is on my bucket list, so congrats to her for being able to do that! And to answer your question from my blog, I'm moving to Palo Alto. Are you Northern or Southern CA?


Lovely notes to be