Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gluten-free Pizza & dessert

I received some fabulous samples from Udi's Food. I was so excited when I received the box of goodies!
I got bread, pizza crusts & cookies!

Last night I threw together a couple pizzas using Udi's crust & another gluten-free option I had previously picked up: Rustic Crust.
They were both very tasting... but very different from each other. The Rustic Crust came out rather bready and crumbly. It was much more dense than Udi's. Udi's was more like a traditional pizza crust. It was very thin and a bit tough, but overall I liked it much more.
 Udi's Crust
Rustic Crust
I used very similar toppings on both. Very Veggie is a good name for them!

Very Veggie
Sauce: Udi's- Red Pepper tomato sauce
            Rustic Crust- Farmer's Market Pesto I picked up last weekend (yum!)
Yellow Squash
Orange Bell Peps
Feta Cheese

I used raw veggies & refrigerated crust (not frozen). I cooked them at 375ยบ for about 10-12 minutes.

I also had to sample out the delicious gluten-free cookies Udi's sent me!
I love baking so I don't usually have the highest hopes for packaged cookies. So I was pleasantly surprised by how good these were!
They were SO moist and had the perfect consistency. I was in heaven! And went back for seconds.
Thank you again to Udi's! I am looking forward to trying their bread too. I'm sure its just as tasty!

GIVEAWAY reminder:
My first giveaway ends tonight at midnight!

Super simple guidelines to enter:
1} Become a follower
2} Leave a comment on the giveaway post.

Good luck! xo


  1. Those GF cookies look delicious!

  2. I miss regular cookies... but these are good. They have the best bread Ive found too. Its almost fluffy! We should share our gluten free tips!

  3. all those veggie toppings on your pizzas look amazing! healthy and delicious!

  4. My favorite gluten free pancake/waffle mix by Trade Joe's it is the best! They also make a mean GF granola mix.

    Such great tips I am always looking for new GF tips.

  5. This is excellent info! I will have to share this with some of my gluten-free friends! Have you had the WOW gf cookies? OH MY GOODNESS!!! They really are WOW!!! The oatmeal cookie w/ apricot is my favorite :)

  6. WOW! Yummy!!! Have a great weekend dear!

  7. We just discovered Udi's cinnamon bread and I swear my Husband ate the whole loaf in one weekend.


Lovely notes to be