Thursday, June 2, 2011

Crunchy & Creamy

I made a couple great eats over the past week I wanted to share with you.

This weekend I made a second round of homemade granola. This time I used a recipe I adapted from Kath Eats Real Food: Crunchy Buckwheat Granola.

I didn't change much on this recipe. I loved how simple and amazing it sounded. We did use coconut oil, instead on Canola and 1/2 agave, 1/2 honey. I didn't opt for any of the mix-ins this time. Plain Jane & delicious!
You can see all the lovely almonds, buckwheat & oats. Crunchy goodness!

Next up, homemade Almond butter. A first for me.

Vanillamon Almond butter
2c almonds (I used whole, roasted, unsalted)
2T cinnamon
1t salt
1/2 vanilla bean
1T chia seeds
Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Blend until smooth & creamy.
It was my first time baking with vanilla bean as opposed to vanilla extract. Vanilla beans are expensive! Wowza! But it was worth it, even if I have to live off this granola only for the month! ;)
 I had to stop & scrape the sides a few times, since the almonds were sticking.
YUM! So creamy & vanilla-y!

Do you have any good nut butter recipes to share?
BTW, tomorrow is Friday! :)


  1. Mmmmm delicious! ahh thanks so much for visiting by! :D And this is so cool that you're interested in wedding stuff, maybe I'll learn stuff from you. and omgsh! you weren't kidding when you said that you were in SF! What if we actually walked side by side?! haha!

  2. I need to attempt my own nut butter again - I tried once and it was a maaajor failure. haha

  3. Om nom nom! Yummers!


  4. Almond butter is my favorite!! I am an almond addict actually..I snack on them all day! I like that your recipe only has 5 ingredients..this is totally do able

    XO Lindsay @ Delighted Momma

  5. Oh they both look so good! My mom and I used to make our own granola when I was little and I'd totally forgotten about it. Definitely going to have to try! And the almond butter looks amazing. I love it on a piece of toast with honey and banana slices. I have this recipe for peanut butter cookies that you could try with the almond butter that I bet would be amazing:

    And thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog!

  6. That nut butter looks really delicious! Yum!

  7. I am going to have to bookmark this. I love the addition of vanilla...yum. And the best part is that it's healthy. Love that!

  8. I love the concept but I'm a fruity sweet smoother person... i wonder if i would like this..

    Happy Friday! Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Oh girly, this looks uber delish!! A must try for sure:)

  10. The nut butter looks so good! I've been wanting to make my own but haven't yet...

  11. i've never tried homemade almond butter! what a great idea.

  12. That granola looks so good! And the almond butter too! I've never made either but I'm sure they're delicious! And healthy!
    Star Hughes Living

  13. Drooling. I love nut butters and that one looks super delicious :)


Lovely notes to be