Thursday, May 19, 2011


I could spend all day catching up on blogs; reading all my favorite fashion, fitness, & foodie blogs. But the downside to that has been the fabulous eats I've come across that are so off limits to me while on this cleanse. Sweets... which I mentioned before, probably cut the deepest. My favorite being frozen yogurt!
Next up, in a close race for second, is oats... in all its lovely forms. I am especially craving a breakfast bake... with bananas!
Cherry Almond Vanilla Buckwheat Bake

Which leads me to yet another craving. Peanut Butter! I do ok with almond butter, but I can have the big glob of it I want. Just little teasers in my smoothies.
 Blueberry Peanut Butter

I can definitely substitute almonds for peanuts... and I just might. :)


  1. Thanks for linking to my peanut butter! I bet almonds would work just as well:-)

  2. Goodness.... You are making me craving for sweets as well!

  3. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog. Oh, I love peanut butter too, I am not so much of a jam person!


  4. Love the frozen yogurt, especially if it's the tart, probiotic kind!

  5. It all looks so delicious! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog:) xx

  6. I'm a frozen yogurt addict too. A sweets addict in general. I freaking love the stuff. All of this looks so yummy!

  7. Oh man... cleanses are hard! Good luck my dear!

  8. Yummm! I love fro yo too! It's the absolute BEST!

  9. So far, that's my only complaint about the blogosphere. It makes me sooo hungry (and probably a little bit fat), but I love it!

  10. Almond vanilla buckwheat bake? Can I crawl inside of it? Gosh, I'm sitting here waiting for a friend to get out of work so we can go eat dinner and I'm starving!!

    You Are My Favorite

  11. Ahh - I feel you. I've been trying to cleanse to no avail. Too many birthdays/graduations/etc. in the month of May for it to be realistic. Froyo is my absolute fave.

  12. I just had frozen yogurt for the first time the other day. I'm hooked!

  13. OMG it all looks good! Count me in on the frozen yogurt.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog.

  14. Oh my goodness..everything looks so good..I love frozer yogurt too..Have a lovely Friday, my dear
    Kisses and hugs

  15. Mmmm, frozen yogurt! Have you been to one of the new TCBY mega-bars yet?! A wall of frozen yogurt flavors and a bar with just about every topping and sauce that you could ever think of! You pay by the ounce (49 cents per ounce, I think), which can get dangerous!

  16. I'd miss frozen yogurt, too. Good luck with your cleanse!


Lovely notes to be