Tuesday, April 19, 2011

meet granola.

This weekend I made my first batch of homemade granola... YUM! I acquired the recipe from an awesome blog I've been following: Paiges of Style. She has a lot of great recipes I've been dying to try. And my list isn't getting any shorter... so without further ado, meet Granola.

Homemade Granola
10c   old fashined rolled oats
  2c   whole wheat flour
  2c   wheat germ
  2c   coconut
  2c   dried cranberries (I substituted raisins)
  1c   chopped pecans
  1c   chopped almonds
 mix above ingredients in large bowl
         4T   vanilla
      1/2c    water
         2c    honey
         1c    oil (I used Safflower)

         mix wet ingredients in separate bowl
         add to dry ingredients
         spread in shallow pans

         bake at 250° until deep golden and almost dry for approximately 2 hours
         stir gently every 15 minutes or so while baking
         remove, let cool.

A serious bowl of nuts & grains.
Mixed in the wet ingredients.
This recipe was spread out on 3 large cooking sheets; completely covered with a thick layer of granola.
Waiting patiently and stirring often.
Seriously... look how much granola I have. Pretty dreamy actually. And it is so yummy. I had it bright and early on my cottage cheese breakfast bowl.


  1. This granola seriously looks SO GOOD!!! Yum!

  2. I love homemade granola and yours look perfectly delish - and plentiful! Thanks for sharing! I'm so happy to have found your blog and am looking forward to exploring your recipes. :) - Georgia

  3. yummm!!! i used to make this with my mommy when i was little. now i think i will take on the project as an adult. one can never have enough granola!



Lovely notes to be