Friday, November 30, 2012

Gift Guide week: for the couple

Today is the last day of this fabulous gift guide week! I had so much fun putting all these boards together. And not only that, but knocked out a bit of my own holiday shopping too!

Today I give you some fun couples' gift ideas! All $50 of less!

Happy Shopping
Happy Friday!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gift Guide week: for the little ones

Today, I set a post aside for a gift guide for the little ones. No, I don't have any little ones of my own. But enough in my life to put these boards together.

And these boards were enough to make me swoon. Are kids clothes and accessories not the cutest?!

These are must-haves when I have a little one of my own!

Tomorrow is the last of the gift guide week... gifts for them.
Happy Gift Guide Week!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gift Guide week: Pinterest finds

I am continuing the Gift Guide week today (see gifts for her and gifts for him).

Here are some of my favs: gifts for them and for you!

sparkly loafers (on sale!)

tweed jacket (on sale!)

I am also linking up with The Vintage Apple for her Pinterest Wednesday today!
Happy Pinsday!
Thanks so much for dropping by!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gift Guide week: for him

Hello to Day 2 of the Gift Guide series over here! I had to kick off Day 1 with gift for her... naturally!

Today, we'll spend a little time on him too :)

A well-rounded assortment of fabulous items for your favorite guy!

Happy Shopping!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Gift Guide week: for her

I am having a little Gift Guide week here on the blog.

I know they are popping up all over the blog world as the holidays near, but I thought I would join the fun and put my own spin on things.

Today, we are celebrating the girls... what better way to kick off, right?

Happy Shopping!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday!

I am an eager shopping this morning! The other day I explained the necessity for a fresh new set of clothes!

I won't be up at 2am or standing in the lines at Walmart, but I will be out and about looking for some new pieces for my closet.
Gone Shopping!

Happy Shopping all!
Hope you are all enjoying your long weekend!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Happy Wednesday... and Thanksgiving Eve!

I have some lovely Thanksgiving decor to share with you, courtesy of Pinterest!
diy Thanksgiving placemats via

give thanks pillow via

 spray paint mini pumpkins or gourds and use them as place settings

fill lanterns & vases with candles, pumpkins, fruit or cranberries

Reuse your Halloween pumpkins and add candles to them

Happy Decorating!
Have a fabulous early week and Thanksgiving holiday!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Closet refill

I am officially in shopping mode... and some would call me crazy, but anxious for Black Friday!

I justified it by donating 4 tubs of clothes, shoes & accessories a couple weeks over. I was ready for a fresh start!

Today, I bring you some fabulous finds to stock your closet with... from Target. Yes, Tar-jay!

Am I the only one loving Target's new digs?

In case you're with me, here is their Black Friday ad

Happy Hunting!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday's Fancies: Fall Favorites

Say that 10 times fast... yikes!

Today I am back to link up with Long Distance Loving.

My inspiration today was my favorite winter drink: Chai Tea Latte! Its delish... and always reminds me of Christmas.

My Starbucks order:
Tall Chai Tea • only 1 pump of chai • with an add shot of espresso • substitute soy milk

Here's a little number I put together to follow:

Happy Friday!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Long time... no blog!

Greetings to all of my lovely followers!

I am horrible blogger... I admit. Please accept my apologies. I have been more than absent! And I apologize beforehand for a lengthy post. I wanted to get it all in.

But I promise to make it up to you with some fun pics!

And a new blog header & social icons! WooHoo!

As some of you know, I got married at the end of September! It was absolutely perfect and feel like the luckiest girl in the world!
picture by lovely little details our wedding stylist & florist
Vero Suh was our photographer
our venue: Barndiva | Healdsburg, CA

After our lovely nuptials, the bird and I flew off to Thailand for our honeymoon! Thailand is ah-mazing! So pretty and the culture is so unique! If you are contemplating a trip there... GO! And let me know if you need any recommendations.

Here are a few pics from the trip:
We traveled to Phuket, Ko Samui, and Bangkok. Every part was so beautiful in its own way... yes, even Bangkok. I have lots more pictures and recommendations; if you're interested shoot me an email.

Lastly, the bird & I came across some uber (!!!) exciting news while planning the wedding. We got the final word just before jetting off to Thailand, so now... I bring it to you!

We found out that we will be moving to IRELAND for 1 year! Say what?!

The bird's job is opening a new office there... and he was asked to open the office and establish the sales team there! SO fantastic, so proud, and soooo freaking busy!

So now... it is your turn for any recommendations and any travel/moving abroad tips you may have! :)

Thanks for bearing with me during my absence and through this longggg post of updates!

Lots of love! Xo

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I'm getting back on the Pinsday train! Finally! Thanks for bearing with me and my absence. 
Its good to know you're still here.

Here are my favorite Pinterest finds from lately:
Fur+ stripes + pop of orange via

kate spade watch + sparkly bangles via

bedrooms of whites + pinks via

Stella McCartney glitter pumps via

Gorgeous gray, pink + gold living space via

Happy Pinsday!
Back tomorrow with some life updates!