Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday's Fancies: Outfit Crush

Happiest of Fridays to you! Yipee!

I am linking up with Long Distance Loving today for her Friday's Fancies link up. Today we are crushing on our favorite find around the web. Mine happened to have come from a little place called Pinterest.
Stunning, right?

Here are some lovely matching finds:

One of each, please.


Laura said...

Stunning outfit and you re-created it perfectly :)

Laura xo

Jenn @ Party of One said...

Fantastic outfit. I'm LOVING the color of the pants! So, so pretty. Have a great weekend!

Erin said...

Perfect, you nailed this one!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Oooh! I'm loving this look! I saw some mint jeans at Target, maybe i should buy them and recreate this outfit :)

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

A perfect re-creation!! :) I love the mint jeans, of course!

Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

ive had my doubts about the shape of those tops... but i REALLY love this outfit. sold. :) xo

Clare C. Whitaker said...

I think that is such a CHIC outfit, I have been crushing on it throughout the past couple of weeks when it popped up on pinterest. You nailed the recreation...every piece is perfect. I would love if you could stop by and enter my pearl earring giveaway on the blog! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

Twirling Clare

Natalie said...

Amazing look! I love colored jeans! I like how you choose the perfect nail polish color to match the jeans. Little details like that make a pretty outfit perfect! Great picture!

Would you like to follow each other?

Amanda || Eclectic Snapshots said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

Val said...

I adore this outfit...I pinned it last week.

Keaton said...

Lovely blog you have hhere